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  1. No refunds will be issued for cancellations made less than 48-hours of the scheduled class.   

  2. There will be a 30% service fee applied to all refunded classes.

  3. No one is allowed on the range under the influence of alcohol or any other controlled substance or marijuana.

  4. No loaded firearms are to enter or exit the building.  This includes personal carry firearms.  Load and unload firearms at the firing line only.  Firearms may not be carried into the facility uncased.  They must be carried in a soft case, hard case, original box, or gun sock.

  5. Firearms may be inspected at the check-in counter at the request of any GRAB Firearm staff.  Any firearms or ammunition found to be unsafe or in disrepair will not be allowed on the range.

  6. All handguns, rifles, and ammunition are subject to approval.

  7. Most pistol and rifle calibers of ammunition are allowed.  NOT ALLOWED – No Reloads, Any buckshot of any kind, Steel Core rounds / Armor Piercing rounds, explosive/incendiary rounds, or Black Powder firearms.  This is not an all-inclusive list.  Please inquire as to any questionable caliber you might be using.

  8. With proper instruction, two shooters are allowed per lane.  Only one may shoot at a time.  No spectators will be allowed in the shooting bays.  All persons entering the range will be charged accordingly.

  9. Eye and ear protection must be worn at ALL TIMES on the range.  All persons on the range must wear shoes that cover their entire foot.

  10. Political and offensive targets will not be allowed.  Shooting at anything other than your own target is strictly prohibited.

  11. Drawing from a holster is not permitted unless you are part of a CCW or advanced personal protection course.

  12. No rapid firing; No double taps allowed (at least one second between rounds fired).

  13. The muzzle of all firearms must be kept pointed downrange at all times.  If leaving the range temporarily, leave all firearms on the firing line unloaded with the magazine removed, action open, and the muzzle pointing downrange.

  14.  If any malfunction occurs while your firearm is loaded and you are unsure how to clear or fix the malfunction, keep the firearm pointed downrange, put the safety on if your firearm has one, place the firearm on the bench pointed downrange, and obtain assistance.  DO NOT leave the firing line with a loaded or malfunctioning firearm.


  16. When done shooting, please be courteous to the next shooter by sweeping your spent brass under the shooting table and just past the red line on the floor.  No brass that has fallen to the floor of the range shall be removed from the range.

  17. Photos may be taken only of you and your party.  Please do not capture our other guests.  NO SELF PHOTOS MAY BE TAKEN WHILE SHOOTING OR HANDLING A FIREARM.

  18. Comply with all instructions from the range staff.

  19.  Report any unsafe conduct to the range staff immediately.

  20. Any violation of range safety rules will result in IMMEDIATE REPRIMAND and possible DISMISSAL from the range.


*  This is a general outline of our Safety Rules only.  We try and communicate everything before a customer utilizes the range.  We do have you sign this form and a release of liability form when you are here.  We will go over this and some other policies and procedures right before shooting.



I am not at this time, nor will I use the range while working with GRAB Firearm Training while under the influence of alcohol, drugs (including marijuana) or medication that may impair my judgment with firearms.


WHEREAS in consideration of being permitted to shoot firearms with GRAB Firearm Training, for use of premises, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiently of which is hereby acknowledged, undersigned agrees to the following:


WHEREAS, the undersigned agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend GRC ENTERPRISES LLC, Sub-brands, Affiliates, and their Agents (hereafter referred to as Owners, Staff, and Instructors) from any and all fault, liabilities, costs, expenses, claims, demands, or lawsuits arising out of, related to or connected with:  undersigned presence at and/or participation in any course of instruction; the discharge of firearms by undersigned; undersigned presence on or use of the range, building, land and premises; and, any and all acts or omissions of undersigned.


WHEREAS, the undersigned hereby expressly assumes the risk of taking part in the range instructional activities with firearms and taking part in the activities on the premises or other target practice approved areas, which include, but are not limited to the use of firearms, the discharge of firearms and the firing of live ammunition.


WHEREAS, the undersigned furthermore waives for himself/herself and for his/her executors, personal representatives, administrators, assignees, heirs and next of kin, any and all rights and claims for damages, losses, demands, and any other actions or claims whatsoever, which he/she may have or which may arise against GRC ENTERPRISES LLC, Sub-brands, Affiliates, Partners, and their Agents, Owners, Staff, and Instructors (including but not limited to the death of undersigned and/or any and all injuries damages or illnesses suffered by the undersigned or undersigned property), which may, in any way whatsoever, arise out of, be related to or be connected with:  any course of instruction; the premises, including any latent defect in the premises; undersigned presence on or use of said premises; under undersigned property; and the discharge of firearms and the firing of live ammunition. 

On GRC ENTERPRISES LLC, Sub-brands, Affiliates, and their Agents, Owners, Staff, and Instructors shall not be liable for, and undersigned, on behalf of himself/herself and on behalf of his/her executors, personal representatives, administrators, assignees, heirs and next of kin, hereby expressly releases GRC ENTERPRISES LLC, Sub-brands, Affiliates, and their Agents, Owners, Staff, and Instructors from any and all such claims and liabilities.




FEDERAL LAW PROHIBITS CERTAIN PERSONS FROM PURCHASING OR POSSESSING FIREARMS,  such as felons, certain domestic abusers, and certain people with a history of mental illness. In Maryland, the Secretary of the Maryland State Police must deny a transfer of a regulated firearm when the prospective purchaser, lessee, or transferee:

  • Has been convicted of a crime of violence;

  • Has been convicted of any Maryland-classified felony;

  • Has been convicted of conspiracy to commit a felony;

  • Has been convicted of a common-law crime for which the person received a term of imprisonment for more than two years;

  • Has been convicted of any Maryland-classified misdemeanor that carries a statutory penalty of more than two years;

  • Is a fugitive from justice;

  • Is a habitual drunkard;

  • Is an addict or habitual user of any controlled dangerous substance;

  • Is suffering from a mental disorder and has a history of violent behavior, unless the purchaser, lessee, or transferee possesses a physician’s certificate stating that he or she is capable of possessing a regulated firearm without undue danger to himself, herself or others;

  • Has been confined for more than 30 consecutive days to a facility unless the purchaser, lessee, or transferee possesses a physician’s certificate stating that he or she is capable of possessing a regulated firearm without undue danger to himself, herself or others;

  • Is visibly under the influence of alcohol or drugs;

  • Is under 21 years of age; · Is a participant in a “straw purchase;”

  • Is subject to a “non-ex parte civil protective order;”

  • If under the age of 30 years at the time of the transaction, has been adjudicated delinquent by a juvenile court for an act that would be a disqualifying crime if committed by an adult; or

  • Has not completed a certified firearms safety training course, required to obtain a regulated firearm.


The prohibited categories for possession of a regulated firearm in Maryland are substantially similar to those prohibiting transfers, but do not include prohibitions for being “visibly under the influence of alcohol or drugs” or “a participant in a straw purchase,” and completing a certified firearms safety training course is not required. Moreover, the possession prohibitions include different, more expansive mental health restrictions, including any person who:

  • Suffers from a mental disorder and has a history of violent behavior against himself, herself or another person (this prohibition does not contain the physician certificate exception);

  • Has been found incompetent to stand trial;

  • Has been found “not criminally responsible;”

  • Has been voluntarily admitted for more than 30 consecutive days to a mental health facility;

  • Has been involuntarily committed to a mental health facility; or

  • Is under the protection of a guardian appointed by a court under Maryland law, except for cases in which the appointment of a guardian is solely a result of a physical disability.


Maryland explicitly prohibits any person from possessing a regulated firearm or a standard rifle or shotgun if that person: · Has been convicted of a crime of violence;


  • Has been convicted of specified crimes related to controlled substances under Maryland law;

  • Has been convicted of an offense under the laws of another state or the United States that would constitute a “crime of violence” or one of the controlled substance-related crimes listed above if committed in Maryland;

  • Has been convicted of a disqualifying crime;

  • Has been convicted of a violation classified as a crime under common law and received a term of imprisonment of more than two years;

  • Is a fugitive from justice;

  • Is a habitual drunkard;

  • Is addicted to or a habitual user of a controlled dangerous substance;

  • Suffers from a mental disorder as defined by state law and has a history of violent behavior against himself, herself, or another person;

  • Has been found incompetent to stand trial under state law;

  • Has been found “not criminally responsible” under state law;

  • Has been voluntarily admitted for more than 30 consecutive days to a mental health facility as defined under state law;

  • Has been involuntarily committed to a mental health facility as defined under state law;

  • Is under the protection of a guardian appointed by a court, except for cases in which the appointment of a guardian is solely as a result of a physical disability;

  • Is a respondent against whom: 1) a current non-ex parte civil protective order has been entered, or 2) an order for protection has been issued by a court of another state or a Native American tribe and is in effect; or

  • If under age 30 at the time of possession, has been adjudicated delinquent by a juvenile court for an act that would be a disqualifying crime if committed by an adult.




In connection with the GRAB Firearm Waiver and Release Documents and the firearms Training Rule, I understand that as part of marketing efforts:

I, hereby grant and authorize GRC Enterprises, LLC/GRAB Firearms Training the right to take, edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, distribute and make use of any and all pictures or video taken of me by GRC Enterprises, LLC/GRAB Firearms Training to be used in and/or for legally promotional materials including, but not limited to, newsletters, flyers, posters, brochures, advertisements, fundraising letters, annual reports, press kits, and submissions to journalists, websites, social networking sites, and other print and digital communications, without payment or any other considerations.  This authorization extends to all languages, media, formats, and markets now known or hereafter devised.  This authorization shall continue indefinitely unless I otherwise revoke said authorization in writing.


I understand and agree that these images which I voluntarily release for marketing purposes,  collectively the ‘Marketing Materials”, shall become the property of GRC Enterprises, LLC/GRAB Firearms Training and will not be returned.


I hereby hold harmless and release GRC Enterprises, LLC/GRAB Firearms Training from all liability, petitions, and causes of action which I, my heirs, representative, executors, administrators, or any other persons may make while acting on the behalf of my estate.


I agree to allow my photographs/videos/images to be used.

 I am over the age of eighteen (18) and I have read and understood all of the above and agree with all.



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